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I've tried to reach you, but haven't gotten a response. What's up?First, I'm very sorry if that happens. The best and fastest way to reach us is through our cell phones. Lynn (at 920-629-9037) is usually most available, but if traveling through poor reception areas or busy on the farm, she might not get the message right away. Dennis's phone number is 920-629-0995. Call or text him. If he's on the tractor or skid steer he might not hear it right away, but we will always reach back out to you. If you text and get no response as quickly as you need, please call!!! Do keep in mind, though, that this is a family farm with children and ailing parents, and occasionally things do come up. We will do our best to stay in touch with all of you, though. Always check the website and Facebook page for breaking news if you are having difficulty reaching one of us. Instant messaging is the next most reliable way of reaching us, and Lynn is getting better at checking those regularly.
What are the items I will be likely to receive in my share box?During our first season, the early offerings will include salad mixes, radishes, Asian greens for salad, and sunflower and pea shoots. Soon after we will be able to offer sugar snap and snow peas, kale, Asian greens for stir-fry and braising, followed by head lettuce and early pole beans. We hope to have early cucumbers and new potatoes soon after that, along with a variety of beans, beets, more radishes, and other delicious offerings. Basil, borage, and thyme should be starting to produce, and our other herbs will be offered as they grow abundant. Of course we have planted many varieties of tomato, peppers, both hot and sweet, carrots, beets, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini and patty pan squash, summer lettuce and spinach, and herbs including dill, sage, thyme, summer and winter savory, basils of many kinds, and many more.
What if the share box isn't big enough for my family?We certainly need feedback on the quantities we offer in this, our very first season. We are following best practices of other CSAs in both quantity and pricing of our produce, but certainly we want your input as well. However, if you just really like big salads every day, or have more people in your family than our box allows for, there are a few options. First, you could upgrade your share box size on a prorated basis. This is easily accomplished, and you would only be charged the balance for the weeks you have not yet picked up. If you have the large share, and we need to create a larger share for your family, then that's what we'll do. Second, if it is just certain items you'd like more of during peak season, we will have extras available for purchase when you come to pick up your share. If, however, you find that you are purchasing more items than your share box holds on a regular basis, you might consider upgrading your share on a prorated basis. You may find that you are eating a lot more than you expected of our organic, farm-fresh produce! On the other hand, if the quantities are more than you can handle, we have tips for preserving the abundance through canning, drying, and freezing. The most important part of all of this is communication. You can use the contact form on this website, email us, or call or text Lynn's phone, given below. Please give us feedback, and if there is ANYTHING you aren't satisfied with, please let us make it better.
What are the season dates?Summer season, 2022 This first year, summer of 2022, we are starting during June as soon as our vegetables have grown enough to be harvestable. The season will run for 20 weeks from there. If we are able to supply our members on June 11, then the end date will be October 22. Fall season, 2022 The fall season will begin the week after the summer season ends and will run until December 31, 2022. Winter, 2023 We will be continuing to offer our winter crops throughout January and February, supply permitting. More information on the dates and prices will develop during our fall season.
What do I do if I don't like something you have in my box?We will be posting a listing of the food harvested for that week by Friday of each week. If you have a special request, please contact us before the pickup time if possible, and we will do our best to accommodate you, supplies allowing. We also will have any extra produce available for purchase during your pickup time. We have purchased many cookbooks that are devoted to using up every part of your CSA share. Did you know that carrot and radish greens are edible? Or that if you don't like the sharpness of radishes, you can sauté them in butter for a mellow taste? I wish I'd known that back in our days of buying CSA shares! Be sure to give yourself enough time to sit and go through a cookbook or two for ideas. As we grow, we'll be offering some of the best loved recipes on the website, so be sure and give us your feedback! I also am trying to get extra copies of a few of the cookbooks to sell in our produce store.
I can't get to your farm every share day. Can you deliver to me?At this time we don't have the capability of delivering to any individuals except in the rarest of circumstances. One option you might consider is finding others who live in your direction, and taking turns coming for share pick up. Another option might be buying a regular weekly share, but arranging with us to pick up a double box every other week, rather than weekly. The biggest drawbacks would probably be losing out on ephemeral produce that has a short harvest window and/or running out of vegetables before your next pickup time. If that happens regularly, though, that could be a sign that you need to upgrade your share box size! Not the worst problem to have! Again, as with most other issues, the best solution is communication. Please let us know as quickly as you can about any questions, concerns, or praises you have! And we may quote the praises....😉
When and how do I get my share?We will have your shares available on the farm every Saturday from Noon to 6 pm. Whether you are purchasing a weekly or biweekly share, those will be the hours. If there is a need for a different pickup day and time due to work schedules, illness, or other needs, please contact us ahead of time to arrange an alternative. We want to make this experience as enjoyable as possible for all of us!
How do I order?From our home page, just click on the "Join Our CSA: Order your share" button. This will take you to our GrownBy order page. Click on our farm button, and it will take you to our offered products. Once you decide on your share size and whether you want to support us up front and pay in advance, or pay a deposit and the remainder monthly, you have the option to pay on the site by bank or credit card, which is the most convenient for you, or come to the farm and pay us by cash or check, which saves us the 3.9 % service fee charged by the website and cc processing companies.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.

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